6 Tips for College Seniors on Finding Your First Job



If you’re a college senior, finding your first job can be very tough. But it is not impossible. You will need to pursue jobs actively by finding connections and networking, which will help you expand your opportunities of finding a job.


Here are 6 tips to help you get started on your job search. 


1. Contact your career center

Your first step is to get in contact with the career center at your college. Career centers usually have a job board that you can access while you’re on campus and for a short period after graduation.

2. Use more than one job website

There are several of job boards out there, so you should use more than one to increase your chances. Keep an eye out for job boards that are consistently scored well with employers as a source of hire. If you have a specific occupation in mind, look for a job board that focuses on those types of postings. Also, don’t forget that companies almost always list jobs openings on their company’s career page, so be sure to check that out as well. [+ Check out TUN’s Job Board!]

3. Volunteer at organizations

If you have extra time on your hands, you should volunteer for a cause, which will help you develop a network. Ideally, you should volunteer in an organization that is related to your career aspirations, but any organization can use the extra help if you aren’t sure what you want to do. 

4. Connect with your parents’ friends

Ask your parents’ friends about any job openings they might have; you have nothing to lose. Maybe one of them needs an intern for the summer. Talking to them directly is better than having your parents do it. It shows that you are mature and are taking responsibility for your future.

5. Clean up your online accounts

Being on social media can express your personality, which is not a bad thing unless you are expressing something that’s negative. Be sure to check your privacy settings on all your social media accounts. Also, remember that nothing is ever private on the internet regardless of the privacy settings. You should regularly monitor the search results of your name online.

6. Keep in touch

It’s a smart idea to keep in touch with your classmates and see where they’re working. College friends with jobs may be able to help you get one too. Many companies give incentives for employees to refer people for job openings.

Also, if you haven’t done so already, you should start building your network on LinkedIn. Follow companies and, most importantly, connect with people you know, including college professors, classmates, old bosses, and your parents’ friends.


Remember: Any job is better than no job. Don’t stress if you can’t find the ideal job right away. It may take longer than you expect, but in the meantime, get a job — any job. Going to work every day creates a routine that makes you feel like you are doing something valuable with your time. You’ll also be developing new skills and techniques along the way.

See: 3 Things To Seriously Consider Before Saying YES to a Job

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