Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Overview
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus is a four-year, full-time, selective, higher transfer-in, higher education institution located in Stillwater, OK. It has an enrollment of 19,841 undergraduate students. The admissions acceptance rate is 68.37%.
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $13,188. Tuition is $9,244.00 without financial aid.
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus is a predominantly bachelor’s-degree granting school.
At Oklahoma State University-Main Campus, 83.19% of students return after freshman year (national average: 68%).
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus has a student-to-faculty ratio of 18 to 1.
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Website
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Admissions
For the incoming class in 2023, the acceptance rate was 68.37%.
SAT or ACT scores are considered but not required
- The average SAT score was 1166.0 for the incoming class of 2023.
- The median ACT score was 24.0 for the incoming class to 2023.
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Cost
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $13,188. The in-state tuition is $9,244.00. Out-of-state tuition is $24,764.00
The average tuition is:
- $6,513, when family income is less than $30,000
- $7,932, when family income is between $30,001 and $48,000
- $12,675, when family income is between $48,001 and $75,000
- $18,101, when family income is between $75,001 and $110,000
- $20,529, when family income is more than $110,000
The average tuition shown here is based on the NET costs to students who receive financial aid. For the incoming class of 2023, 38.52% of students received a federal student loan and 27.03% of students received a Pell Grant.
Tuition is $24,764.00 without financial aid, or the in-state tuition discount.
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Net Price Calculator
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Majors/Salaries
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus has academic offerings within the core majors listed below.
- Agriculture – 10.28%
- Resources – 0.32%
- Architecture – 0.58%
- Ethnic cultural gender – 0.10%
- Communication – 2.99%
- Communications technology – 0.00%
- Computer – 2.73%
- Personal culinary – 0.00%
- Education –3.85%
- Engineering – 11.80%
- Engineering technology – 3.67%
- Language – 0.20%
- Family consumer science – 4.33%
- Legal – 0.00%
- English – 0.76%
- Humanities – 5.27%
- Library – 0.00%
- Biological – 8.50%
- Business Marketing – 26.97%
- Mathematics – 0.64%
- Military – 0.00%
- Multidiscipline – 0.18%
- Parks recreation fitness – 2.08%
- Philosophy religious – 0.30%
- Theology religious vocation – 0.00%
- Physical science – 0.58%
- Science technology – 0.00%
- Psychology – 3.69%
- Security law enforcement – 0.00%
- Public administration social service – 0.00%
- Social science – 2.77%
- Construction –0.00%
- Mechanic repair technology –0.00%
- Precision production – 0.00%
- Transportation – 1.72%
- Visual performing – 2.30%
- Health – 3.01%
- History – 0.38%
Please note that different schools classify majors differently, so it is best to view the school’s website to see the various programs it offers. See detailed information about the individual majors at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus here.
Recent Graduate Salaries
(Average salaries of students from select majors two years after graduation)
- Agricultural Business and Management. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,563
- Agricultural Public Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $41,565
- Animal Sciences. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $28,753
- Veterinary Medicine. (Doctoral Degree) – $69,002
- Architecture. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $55,286
- Journalism. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $28,212
- Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,806
- Computer and Information Sciences, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $57,318
- Curriculum and Instruction. (Master’s Degree) – $35,060
- Student Counseling and Personnel Services. (Master’s Degree) – $42,309
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $34,316
- Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,289
- Chemical Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $70,176
- Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $68,499
- Mechanical Engineering. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $63,335
- Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $54,435
- Construction Engineering Technologies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $63,855
- Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $25,194
- Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $31,907
- Apparel and Textiles. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $37,208
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $31,314
- Microbiological Sciences and Immunology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $37,748
- Zoology/Animal Biology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $25,194
- Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $26,353
- Psychology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $28,164
- Fire Protection. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $72,231
- Sociology. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,565
- Air Transportation. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $36,141
- Fine and Studio Arts. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $25,194
- Communication Disorders Sciences and Services. (Master’s Degree) – $55,964
- Health and Medical Administrative Services. (Master’s Degree) – $49,644
- Public Health. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $26,739
- Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $38,289
- Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Master’s Degree) – $69,338
- Accounting and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $50,856
- Accounting and Related Services. (Master’s Degree) – $58,221
- Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $44,384
- Finance and Financial Management Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $52,107
- Hospitality Administration/Management. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $34,704
- Marketing. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $43,351
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Diversity
The racial diversity of students who received financial aid at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
- American Indian/Alaska Native: 4.46%
- Asian: 2.06%
- Black: 4.36%
- Hispanic: 8.86%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.09%
- Non-resident alien: 2.31%
- Two or more races: 10.14%
- Unknown: 0.08%
- White: 67.66%
At Oklahoma State University-Main Campus, 9.19% of undergraduate students are 25 years old, or older.
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus Frequently Asked Questions
How is school spirit at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus?
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus is known for its strong school spirit. The university has a strong tradition of supporting its athletic teams, particularly the football team, which competes in the Big 12 Conference. The university’s mascot, Pistol Pete, is a beloved figure on campus and at sporting events. Additionally, there are numerous student organizations and events that foster a sense of community and pride among students, such as homecoming and pep rallies. Overall, there is a strong culture of school spirit and pride at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus.
What are some popular extracurriculars at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus?
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus offers a wide range of extracurricular activities for students to participate in. Some of the popular extracurriculars at OSU-Main Campus include: 1. Athletics: OSU-Main Campus is known for its strong athletic programs, with popular teams including football, basketball, and wrestling. 2. Student Government Association: This organization allows students to become involved in the governance of the university and plan events. 3. Greek Life: There are several fraternities and sororities on campus that provide opportunities for socializing, community service, and professional development. 4. Music and Performing Arts: OSU-Main Campus has a variety of music and performing arts organizations, including orchestras, bands, and theater groups. 5. Volunteer and Service Organizations: OSU-Main Campus has a number of volunteer and service organizations that allow students to give back to the community and develop leadership skills. 6. Student Publications: There are several student-run publications on campus, including a newspaper, yearbook, and literary magazine. These are just a few examples of the many extracurricular activities available at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus.
How are the food choices at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus?
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus has a diverse range of food options available on campus. There are three dining halls on campus, and they offer a variety of meals, including vegetarian and gluten-free options. The dining halls provide an all-you-can-eat service, and students can choose from a wide selection of dishes. The campus also has several quick-service restaurants and cafes, offering a range of cuisines from American fast food to Asian and Mexican. Additionally, there are plenty of vending machines and convenience stores around campus for snacks and drinks. Overall, Oklahoma State University-Main Campus has a great selection of food options to meet students’ needs.
Is there Greek life at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus?
Yes, Oklahoma State University-Main Campus (OSU) has an active Greek life. There are over 60 recognized fraternities and sororities on campus. These organizations offer students opportunities for leadership, community service, social activities, and academic support. OSU’s Panhellenic Council oversees the sororities on campus, while the Interfraternity Council oversees the fraternities. Additionally, there are also several multicultural organizations and service honorary fraternities available at OSU for students to join.
What is Oklahoma State University-Main Campus known for?
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus (OSU) is known for its programs in agriculture, engineering, business, and veterinary medicine. It is also recognized for its strong athletic program, particularly in football, basketball, and wrestling. Additionally, OSU’s Spears School of Business is highly regarded and has been consistently ranked among the top business schools in the country.
What are the most popular school clubs at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus?
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus has a wide variety of clubs and organizations for students to get involved in, but some of the most popular ones are: 1. Student Government Association (SGA) – This is the representative organization for the student body. They plan events, allocate funding for other clubs, and advocate for student needs. 2. Greek Life – Oklahoma State University-Main Campus has a large Greek community with fraternities and sororities available for students to join. 3. Club Sports – The university has over 60 club sport teams that are student-led and compete against other universities in various sports. 4. Outdoor Adventure Club – This club promotes and organizes outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and rock climbing. 5. Dance and Performance Groups – There are several dance groups and performance organizations on campus, including the Cowboy Marching Band, Orange Crush Dance Team, and the OSU Ballroom Dance Company. 6. Diversity and Inclusion Clubs – There are numerous clubs that promote a diverse and inclusive campus culture, such as the African Student Association, Asian American Student Association, and Native American Student Association.
Is the campus at Oklahoma State University-Main Campus safe?
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus has a good reputation for safety. The university campus has its own certified police department and a 24-hour security system that patrols the campus regularly. Additionally, the campus has emergency call boxes placed throughout the campus, allowing for quick and easy access to help if needed. The University also offers safety programs and resources to students to help ensure their safety on campus. However, as with any University, it is always important to remain aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions to ensure personal safety.