Black in STEM


  • ACS Scholars Program

    Amount: $1,000-$5,000. About: American Chemical Society Scholarships are annually awarded to minority students who are interested in pursuing careers in chemistry-related science. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, be African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian, be graduating high school seniors or current undergraduate students, plan to major or currently be majoring in chemistry,…


  • American Association of Blacks in Energy Scholarship

    Amount: Up to $5,000. About: The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) offers scholarships for underrepresented minority students (Black or African American, Hispanic, and Native American) studying energy-related fields, including business, a physical science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Each year, 13 scholarships are awarded: 12 scholarships of $3,000 and one scholarship of $5,000 —…


  • NSCS Scholarship for Minority Students in STEM

    Amount: $2,500. About: The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) Scholarship for Minority Students in STEM is annually awarded to four minority students majoring in STEM fields. Applicants must be NSCS members and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Recipients are chosen based on their commitment to academics, leadership, and service. Eligible Grade Levels:…


  • Hubertus W. V. Willems Scholarship

    Amount: $3,000. About: The Hubertus W. V. Willems Scholarship is one of many awards available to Black male students through NAACP’s Inspire Initiatives. Each year, $3,000 is awarded to 25 outstanding students pursuing undergraduate degrees. Applicants must be a member of the NAACP; be a Black or African American male; be currently enrolled full-time or…


  • Brown and Caldwell Minority Scholarship Program

    Amount: $5,000. About: Each year, Brown and Caldwell, an engineering consulting firm focused on the U.S. environmental sector, offers a Minority Scholarship to financially support students pursuing careers in the environmental profession. Each applicant must identify as a member of a minority group, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, be enrolled in their junior or…
