Scholarships for Women



Women outnumber men on college campuses and may soon represent the majority of the U.S. college-educated workforce. But in many areas, the gender gap is still far from closing. Women represent only 5 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs and men still outearn women by approximately $10,000 on average. Women are also underrepresented in some of the highest-paying and fastest-growing fields, including STEM fields and law. Furthermore, many women, including low-income women, minority women, older women, and women with children, face major financial, institutional, and situational barriers to earning a college degree.

In order to help close the gender gap further and put more women in positions of leadership, many companies and non-profit organizations offer scholarships for female students.

In this article, we highlight the upcoming scholarships for women that TUN helped create as well as other scholarships that we think present some of the best opportunities out there for women. 

Scholarships for Women Available Only Through TUN

The Hyundai Women in STEM Scholarship

Hyundai exists to make a richer journey possible for all by investing in the future of women in the STEM fields that will help shape it. Hyundai is currently accepting applications for its Hyundai Women in STEM Scholarship.

To apply, those interested must write an essay of 500 words or more on the journey you will take to promote a positive shift towards sustainability in your chosen STEM field.

Application Deadline: June 30 (annually)

Award: $10,000 each (5 awards)


  • Must be high school seniors and current undergraduate students in accredited U.S. colleges and universities
  • Must identify as female
  • Must reside in the United States
  • Must wish to pursue a STEM-related field of education

Click here to apply for the Hyundai Women in STEM Scholarship.

Other Scholarships for Women

Tiffany Green Operator Scholarship

To apply, interested students must complete a scholarship application form, provide a copy of their college transcripts confirming their GPA, submit a resume, provide proof of enrollment, provide two letters of recommendation from industry professionals or instructors, and write an essay of no longer than 500 words on the value that women bring to the live entertainment industry and their long-term professional goals. 

Application Deadline: March 31 each year

Award: $10,000


  • Must identify as a woman
  • Must be a full-time undergraduate student with a minimum of 60 earned credits
  • Must be enrolled at an accredited college or university in the coming fall semester
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Must be studying a field related to the live entertainment industry

Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship

Named for the first woman to hold federal office in the United States, the Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to low-income women. In order to qualify, applicants must be defined as low-income, according to the Department of Labor’s income guidelines, and must be pursuing their first bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree or technical/vocational education.

To apply, interested students must complete an online application for either the Jeannette Rankin Fund Scholarship or Emerge Scholarship. Applicants must submit proof of their income for the previous year (e.g., a tax return), their most recent transcript and/or letter of acceptance to college, and two letters of recommendation. 

Application Deadline: Application opens in November 2023.

Award: $2,000 per year for up to 5 years


  • Must identify as a woman
  • Must be age 35+ older for the Jeannette Rankin Fund Scholarship and age 25+ for the Emerge Scholarship
  • Must be defined as low-income
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Must be pursuing a technical or vocational education, an associate’s degree, or a first bachelor’s degree

Adobe Research Women in Technology Scholarship

To apply, interested students must submit an online application including a resume, an academic resume from a current or past institution, three letters of recommendation, and four short essays responding to prompts given during the time of application. Applicants are also encouraged to submit an optional 60-second video or multimedia project describing their dream career.

Application Deadline: Application is currently closed. The program will not accept new applications for 2023.

Award: $10,000


  • Must identify as a woman
  • Must be a student currently enrolled as an undergraduate (2nd year or above) or master’s student at a North American university for the upcoming academic year
  • Must have completed at least one year of undergraduate university education
  • Must intend to be enrolled in full-time study (undergraduate or graduate) two academic years from the application deadline
  • Must major in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field
  • Must have demonstrated leadership in school and extracurricular/community activities
  • Must maintain a strong academic record
  • Must have no relatives who work for Adobe

AAUW International Fellowships

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers international fellowships to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. The awards are granted for full-time graduate or postgraduate study at U.S. institutions of higher education. Awards are granted on the basis of academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to the interests of women and girls. 

To apply, interested students must complete an online application. To do so, they must first pass an eligibility quiz to be reviewed by a selection panel. Applicants must also provide the following documentation: three recommendations from professors or professional colleagues; proof of highest degree in the form of a transcript or a letter from the institution including degree completion date; proof of enrollment (for enrolled students); proof of degrees held; proof of English proficiency; a resume or CV; academic information; and a summary of their budget.

Application Deadline: November 15 each year

Award Amount: $18,000 for Masters and first professional degree students; $20,000 for doctoral students; $30,000 for postdoctoral researchers


  • Must identify as a woman
  • Must have demonstrated commitment to the interests of women and girls
  • Must not have received an AAUW fellowship or grant in the past (not including branch or local awards or Community Action Grants)
  • Must have citizenship in a country other than the United States. or possession of a nonimmigrant visa if residing in the United States
  • Must hold an academic degree earned in the United States or abroad equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree, completed as of the application deadline
  • Must be committed full-time to academic studies or research
  • Must intend to return to her home country after completing program to pursue a professional career
  • Must be proficient in English and confirm proficiency by submitting a valid Educational Testing Service’s Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score or other verification
  • Master’s, first professional degree, and doctoral applicants must have applied by November 15 to an accredited institution of study for the period of the fellowship year
  • Postdoctoral applicants must provide proof of their doctorate degree and indicate where they will conduct their research
  • Master’s, first professional degree, and doctoral applicants must be enrolled in a U.S. accredited institution during the fellowship year
  • Distance learning and online degrees are not supported

SWSIS Scholarships for Women Studying Information Security

The Computing Research Association Widening Participation (CRA-WP) and Applied Computer Security Associates (ACSA) jointly offer scholarships of up to $10,000 for women studying toward careers in information security. Since the program’s inception in 2011, over 90 women have been awarded scholarships.

To apply, applicants must provide an essay describing their interest and background in the information security field, a current transcript, a resume or CV, multiple letters of reference from faculty members, and their university name and class status.

Application Deadline: February 1 each year

Award Amount: Up to $10,000


  • Must identify as a woman
  • Must be studying information security
  • Must be an undergraduate in their junior or senior year or in a master’s program during the upcoming academic year
  • Must attend an accredited U.S. college or university
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident

ABC Humane Wildlife Control & Prevention, Inc. Academic Scholarship

ABC Wildlife, a Chicago-based humane wildlife control corporation, offers a scholarship for women studying in STEM fields. One award of $1,000 is granted to the winning student, and up to nine other students may receive awards. Funds may be used for tuition, academic projects, medical expenses, housing, living expenses, transportation, or other education-related costs.

In order to apply, students must submit an application via email to with the subject line “Women in STEM Scholarship”. Applications must submit an essay on the following prompt: “Why are you passionate about science, technology, engineering, or math, and how will your pursuit of these fields help preserve biodiversity, improve the health of our planet, or alleviate human suffering?” Applicants must also submit proof of enrollment and one letter of recommendation. 

Application Deadline: July 1, 2023

Award: Winner receives $1,000; up to nine other students may receive awards


  • Must identify as a woman
  • Must be currently enrolled at an accredited college or university
  • Must be studying or planning to study in a field of science, engineering, mathematics, or technology
  • Children of ABC Wildlife, Inc. employees are ineligible

How to find scholarships

The scholarships listed above are just some of the best scholarships we’ve found for you. There are many other options regarding scholarships for women.

If you’re a high school senior and know which colleges you’re interested in, check with them to see what they have in terms of scholarships. You can usually find most of the information by clicking on their “financial aid” page. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to email or call their financial aid office.

If you’re a college student, check with your college to see what they offer. In addition to institutional scholarships, financial aid officers will likely have a list of other scholarships that they recommend. 

There are also outside scholarships — like the ones listed above — that are sponsored by companies, organizations, foundations and individuals as a way to give back to their communities. The awards can cover your entire tuition or a portion of it. Some scholarships have a GPA requirement or are based on financial need, while others embrace a cause or emphasize community involvement, athletic achievement, diversity, passion, and much more. For example, the Hyundai Women in STEM Scholarship supports STEM education for female students.

So, how do you find outside scholarships like these?

Start your search with TUN’s Scholarship Search Engine to find scholarships that are ideal for you. You can search by grade level, GPA, major, state of residency, scholarship name, or deadline month. You can also browse through our featured scholarships, some available only through TUN, and a collated list of scholarships for specific groups of students, including scholarships for women in STEM, female students, Black students, Black female students, Asian American students, Hispanic students, and international students

To keep on top of new scholarships as they are offered, be sure to join the TUN Community. We will let you know about scholarships that you qualify for. 

You should also check with the financial aid office of your college to see if they have a list of scholarships. They may also be in the know about local scholarships.

Your family is yet another source of scholarships. Your parents or guardians may work for a company that offers scholarships for dependents of employees

If you work while in high school or college, you may also qualify for an employee scholarship. For example, Taco Bell has an exclusive scholarship program that’s available only to its restaurant employees. McDonald’s also offers scholarships to eligible employees.

When to apply for scholarships 

To be considered for a scholarship, you must meet the deadline. 

So, start your research for scholarships early and note down the deadlines of the scholarships you’re interested in.

Use a spreadsheet to keep track of the scholarships. Grouping them by deadline will help you focus on what’s due next.

Pay attention to what’s required of you. For example, if you need a recommendation letter, you should request one way ahead of time so you have one by the time you apply. If an essay is required, start writing weeks before so you have an essay you can be proud of before the due date.

Aim to send in your application at least a few days before the due date. This way, you avoid the risk of getting sidelined by technical glitches, tests, heavy homework load, or illness. 

How to win scholarships 

Scholarships, especially ones with high awards, can be very competitive. In some cases, you may be competing against thousands of students. 

So, how do you increase your chances of winning a scholarship?

First, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria and submit all the information required of you, including recommendation letters, transcripts, and resume.

Second, try to distinguish yourself from the other applicants. Your essay, if that’s required, is what makes you unique so let your personality and creativity shine through. How do you do that? 

You can achieve that “by showing instead of telling,” according to Sarah Chomette, an eAdviser with the College Advising Corps. 

“When answering a creative prompt or inputting your personal statement, it’s important to provide the reader with a story instead of just telling them about your goals and accomplishments,” she said. “That can be kind of boring and it makes you get lost in the crowd.”

A successful essay must include four major components, Chomette explained. First, make sure that you convey your personal values. Second, be open and honest to help the reader feel a connection with you. Third, let the reader know why your story is important. Fourth, your writing must show that you put time and effort into it. 

If a scholarship asks for a video or infographic instead of an essay, the same principle applies.

To summarize, always put thought and effort into your whole application and submit your best work. There should be no obvious errors or typos. And if you need to submit a recommendation letter, reflect on who knows you best and whose recommendation would help your application the most. 

Benefits of Scholarships for College Students Who Are Women

Applying for college scholarships specifically targeted towards female students can offer numerous benefits for college students pursuing a college degree. Here’s a detailed analysis highlighting some of the key advantages for college students:

  1. Financial Support: Scholarships for women provide financial aid that can significantly alleviate the burden of college expenses. Many female students face financial constraints due to various factors such as the gender pay gap, familial responsibilities, and societal biases. These scholarships can help bridge the financial gap and enable women to pursue higher education without being encumbered by excessive student debt.
  2. Increased Access to Education: Historically, women pursuing higher education have faced barriers to accessing higher education, including limited opportunities and societal expectations. Scholarships aimed at female college students help to level the playing field by providing them with additional resources to pursue their academic goals. This increased access to education can empower women to break through traditional gender roles and achieve their full potential in various fields.
  3. Support for Underrepresented Fields: Women continue to be underrepresented in certain academic disciplines and professions, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Scholarships targeted towards female students in these fields encourage participation and help address the gender imbalance. By supporting women’s education in STEM and other underrepresented areas, these scholarships contribute to diversifying the talent pool and fostering innovation and progress.
  4. Empowerment and Recognition: Scholarships for women serve as a form of recognition and validation of their academic achievements and potential. By receiving financial support specifically designated for women, students gain a sense of empowerment and affirmation, which can boost their confidence and motivation to excel in their studies and future careers.
  5. Networking and Mentorship Opportunities: Many scholarships for women come with additional benefits beyond financial assistance, such as networking events, mentorship programs, and professional development workshops. These opportunities allow female college students to connect with peers, mentors, and professionals who can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights into their chosen field. Building strong networks and relationships early on can enhance career prospects and open doors to future opportunities.
  6. Advancement of Gender Equality: By investing in college scholarships for women, institutions and organizations contribute to the advancement of gender equality in education and beyond. These initiatives help challenge stereotypes, dismantle barriers, and create a more inclusive and equitable society where female students have equal opportunities to succeed. Supporting women’s education not only benefits individuals but also strengthens communities and economies by harnessing the full potential of all members.

Benefits of Scholarships for High School Seniors Who Are Women

Applying to scholarships specifically tailored for women can offer numerous benefits for high school seniors, particularly female students. Here’s a detailed analysis of how they can benefit:

  1. Financial Assistance: One of the most obvious benefits is financial assistance. Scholarships for women can provide much-needed funds to help cover the costs of tuition, books, fees, and other educational expenses. This financial support can alleviate the burden of student loans and reduce the overall cost of attending college or university.
  2. Access to Higher Education: Scholarships for women can help break down financial barriers that may otherwise prevent female high school seniors from pursuing higher education. By providing financial assistance, these scholarships open up opportunities for female students to attend colleges or universities that they might not have been able to afford otherwise.
  3. Empowerment and Recognition: Scholarships for women often come with recognition and validation of academic, extracurricular, or personal achievements. Winning a scholarship can boost self-esteem and confidence, reinforcing the idea that their efforts are valued and worthy of acknowledgment. This recognition can empower female high school seniors to continue striving for success in their academic and personal endeavors.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Many scholarships for women are offered by organizations, foundations, or companies that are committed to supporting women’s education and empowerment. Winning such scholarships can provide access to valuable networking opportunities with professionals, mentors, and other scholarship recipients. These connections can be instrumental in building a support system, accessing resources, and exploring future career paths.
  5. Community Engagement: Some scholarships for women require recipients to participate in community service, leadership activities, or other forms of engagement. This involvement not only enriches their college experience but also fosters a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement. By giving back to their communities, these students can develop important skills, values, and perspectives that will serve them well in their future endeavors.
  6. Career Advancement: Scholarships for women often target fields where women are underrepresented, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or business. By encouraging and supporting female students to pursue careers in these fields, these scholarships contribute to greater gender diversity and equity in the workforce. Winning a scholarship in a specific field can also provide recognition and support for future career goals, opening doors to internships, research opportunities, and job placements.
  7. Breaking Stereotypes and Barriers: By actively seeking out and applying for scholarships for women, female high school seniors challenge societal stereotypes and barriers that may discourage or limit women’s participation in certain fields or pursuits. Through their achievements and successes, female scholarship recipients can serve as role models and inspire other young women to pursue their dreams and aspirations without fear or hesitation.

Benefits of Scholarships for Graduate Students Who Are Women

Graduate students, especially those who are female, can derive several advantages from applying to scholarships specifically designed for women. Let’s delve into a detailed analysis:

  1. Financial Support: Like undergraduate scholarships, scholarships for women at the graduate level provide crucial financial assistance. Graduate school often comes with substantial costs, including tuition, fees, research expenses, and living expenses. Scholarships tailored for women can help alleviate the financial burden, making it more feasible for female graduate students to pursue advanced degrees without accruing excessive debt.
  2. Increased Access to Education: Financial barriers can be significant obstacles for many individuals considering graduate school. Scholarships for women can help mitigate these barriers, thereby increasing access to graduate education for female students. By providing financial support, these scholarships enable women to enroll in graduate programs, pursue specialized fields of study, and advance their careers through higher education.
  3. Recognition and Validation: Winning a scholarship designed for women can offer recognition and validation of academic, research, or leadership achievements. These students often face intense academic pressure and competition, and receiving a scholarship can affirm their hard work and dedication. This recognition can boost confidence and motivation, encouraging female graduate students to continue excelling in their academic pursuits.
  4. Professional Development Opportunities: Many scholarships for women include opportunities for professional development, such as networking events, conferences, or workshops. These experiences allow these students to connect with professionals in their field, build valuable relationships, and gain insights into potential career paths. Networking opportunities provided by scholarships can be particularly beneficial for these students, who may face additional challenges in male-dominated fields.
  5. Support and Mentorship: Some scholarships for women come with mentorship programs or access to supportive communities of fellow scholars. These support networks can be invaluable for these students, especially those facing gender-related challenges or discrimination in their academic or professional environments. Mentorship programs offer guidance, encouragement, and advice from experienced professionals, helping these students navigate the complexities of graduate school and beyond.
  6. Advancement in Underrepresented Fields: Scholarships for women often aim to address gender disparities in certain fields, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or business. By supporting the female students in these fields, these scholarships contribute to greater gender diversity and equity. Encouraging women to pursue advanced degrees and leadership roles in underrepresented fields can lead to innovative research, diverse perspectives, and positive societal change.
  7. Breaking Stereotypes and Bias: Applying for scholarships for women and succeeding in graduate studies challenges stereotypes and biases that may limit women’s participation in academia and professional spheres. These students who receive scholarships demonstrate their intellectual prowess, leadership potential, and ability to excel in rigorous academic environments. By breaking down stereotypes and biases, they pave the way for future generations of women in academia and beyond.


In conclusion, scholarships for women offer crucial financial support, increase access to education, empower recipients, provide networking and mentorship opportunities, encourage participation in underrepresented fields, and contribute to the advancement of gender equality. By leveraging these scholarships, undergraduate and graduate students as well as high school seniors who are women can overcome barriers, fulfill their academic aspirations, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals have equal opportunities to succeed.

Samuel Benezra contributed to this article.

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