Five Signs It’s Time to Move On From a Relationship



Relationships – family, friends, and/or dating partners – are supposed to make your life better. These are the people you are supposed to be able to turn to on your worst days, the ones who you can trust with all of your secrets, and the ones who seem to know you better than you know yourself. However, sometimes what starts as a great relationship can quickly turn into something more toxic. Maybe it hasn’t felt right for a while and you’ve only just noticed it, or maybe you’ve known and just haven’t wanted to face it quite yet. Whatever the situation is, it’s clear that something isn’t working and you may need to reconsider having a relationship with this person moving forward. Not sure what the right decision is?

Here are five warning signs that it’s time to move on from a relationship. 

Sometimes what starts as a great relationship can quickly turn into something more toxic. Here are five warning signs that it’s time to move on from a relationship. =

1. They are adding extra stress to your life.

If being with the other person stresses you out, or if listening and dealing with their problems does, it’s time to reconsider the relationship. Real, healthy relationships add value and happiness to your life, not stress. When there’s more bad in the relationship than good, you know it’s time to let go.

2. You put in more effort than they do.

If you are constantly the one who is trying to make plans to hang out or checking in to make sure the other person is okay or putting in more time, emotion, and energy into the relationship, this isn’t a good sign. Relationships are supposed to be two-way streets in which both people equally contribute. When your relationship feels more one-sided than anything else and you are seriously questioning how much the other person cares for you, this is a huge red flag that this relationship is toxic.

[bctt tweet=”Relationships are two-way streets in which both people should equally contribute. ” username=”TUNdiscounts”]

3. They aren’t there for you like you are there for them.

Relationships are for your best and worst days. If someone is there for all of the fun stuff, but they aren’t there for the serious, hard realities of life, this person isn’t a true friend/partner. When you are there for them, and they don’t ever reciprocate, it’s definitely time to focus on the other (good) relationships in your life and put this person behind you.

4. You can imagine life without them – and it doesn’t make you sad.

If you could wake up tomorrow without that person in your life and the thought doesn’t upset you at all, this relationship is clearly not a serious one. While having occasional friends to spend time with when your normal crowd isn’t around is fine, this lack of seriousness is also a sign that this isn’t a relationship you should devote yourself to.

5. You’re happier when they aren’t around.

When you are in a better mood or feel relief when the other person isn’t around, this is the ultimate sign that they are an unhealthy presence in your life. Remember: you deserve to be happy. The people in your life should be contributing to this, not taking away from it.

Although it can be hard to move on sometimes, letting go of the toxic relationships in your life will only make you happier and healthier in the future. People and relationships can get complicated, but when these relationships make your life worse, rather than better, you know it’s time to finally move on.

[bctt tweet=”I deserve to be happy. The people in my life should contribute to my happiness, not take away from it. ” username=”TUNdiscounts”]

Related: 101 Ways to Happiness and Why Personal Time and Self-Love Are Important

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