Description In the Universe, high-energy cosmic rays are violently propagating in space. While we know these cosmic rays come from outside of the solar system, exactly how and where they originate is a mystery. Professor Shoji Torii from Waseda University and many researchers from around the world, believe that understanding about their origin will help…
Description In 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake triggered a major tsunami that devastated northeast Japan, killing more than 15,000 people and crippling a nuclear power plant. Natural disasters like this one can be seen throughout our Earth’s history. They will continue to prey on all regions, bringing devastation when they strike. But are we so…
Description In most Western cultures, personal identification is based on the individual, whereas in East Asia, the family registry system has been used to identify individuals. “Confucianism” is one of the common ethical values in East Asia. Confucian values place much emphasis on an individual’s moral obligation to family members. In this course, we will…
Description This course is designed to teach you how systems are developed using IoT technology. Many engineers and developers tend to focus on a single discipline – either software or hardware. However, in today’s connected age it’s critical to have a comprehensive understanding of both disciplines and how they are intertwined.In this practical course, you’ll gain a holistic understanding…
Description This course was created to help learners understand how to design the architecture of IoT systems.IoT (Internet of Things) systems are inherently distributed, heterogeneous, and complicated, hence designing architecture plays an important role in determining its functionality and quality in the early phase of development. However, designing architecture is not easy, because architects must…
Description The Japanese economy was once described as the “rising sun,” overcoming all odds to become an economic superpower. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many of the largest companies in the world with the highest capitalization were Japanese. Often, the key to Japan’s success was attributed to its unique business model, strategies and…
Description The exchange student Andy is asked to join the university yosokoi dance club. And he decides to join. Through interaction with his yosokoi club mates and his Japanese class teacher, he describes his experiences and we learn more about Andy’s character and how he tries his hardest in these situations. Price: FREE to audit!…