Wilmington College Overview
Wilmington College is a four-year, full-time, inclusive, lower transfer-in, higher education institution located in Wilmington, OH. It has an enrollment of 1,027 undergraduate students. The admissions acceptance rate is 86.88%.
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $19,932. Tuition is $28,770.00 without financial aid.
Wilmington College is a predominantly bachelor’s-degree granting school.
At Wilmington College, 68.18% of students return after freshman year (national average: 68%).
Wilmington College has a student-to-faculty ratio of 13 to 1.
Wilmington College Admissions
For the incoming class in 2023, the acceptance rate was 86.88%.
SAT or ACT scores are required.
- The average SAT score was 1051.0 for the incoming class of 2023.
- The median ACT score was 20.0 for the incoming class to 2023.
Wilmington College Cost
The average annual cost of attendance after financial aid is $19,932.
The average tuition is:
- $17,913, when family income is less than $30,000
- $16,397, when family income is between $30,001 and $48,000
- $23,143, when family income is between $48,001 and $75,000
- $23,500, when family income is between $75,001 and $110,000
- $18,786, when family income is more than $110,000
The average tuition shown here is based on the NET costs to students who receive financial aid. For the incoming class of 2023, 75.79% of students received a federal student loan and 37.68% of students received a Pell Grant.
Tuition is $28,770.00 without financial aid.
Wilmington College Net Price Calculator
Wilmington College Majors/Salaries
Wilmington College has academic offerings within the core majors listed below.
- Agriculture – 22.39%
- Resources – 0.00%
- Architecture – 0.00%
- Ethnic cultural gender – 0.00%
- Communication – 3.73%
- Communications technology – 0.00%
- Computer – 0.00%
- Personal culinary – 0.00%
- Education –9.33%
- Engineering – 0.00%
- Engineering technology – 0.00%
- Language – 0.00%
- Family consumer science – 0.00%
- Legal – 0.00%
- English – 0.75%
- Humanities – 1.12%
- Library – 0.00%
- Biological – 3.36%
- Business Marketing – 26.87%
- Mathematics – 1.49%
- Military – 0.00%
- Multidiscipline – 0.00%
- Parks recreation fitness – 11.57%
- Philosophy religious – 0.37%
- Theology religious vocation – 0.00%
- Physical science – 1.12%
- Science technology – 0.00%
- Psychology – 2.61%
- Security law enforcement – 2.99%
- Public administration social service – 2.99%
- Social science – 1.49%
- Construction –0.00%
- Mechanic repair technology –0.00%
- Precision production – 0.00%
- Transportation – 0.00%
- Visual performing – 0.37%
- Health – 5.97%
- History – 1.49%
Please note that different schools classify majors differently, so it is best to view the school’s website to see the various programs it offers. See detailed information about the individual majors at Wilmington College here.
Recent Graduate Salaries
(Average salaries of students from select majors two years after graduation)
- Agricultural Business and Management. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $36,437
- Communication and Media Studies. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $33,993
- Education, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $31,133
- Health and Physical Education/Fitness. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $24,267
- Psychology, General. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $32,284
- Criminal Justice and Corrections. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $31,133
- Business Administration, Management and Operations. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $42,123
- Accounting and Related Services. (Bachelor’s Degree) – $52,107
Wilmington College Diversity
The racial diversity of students who received financial aid at Wilmington College
- American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.78%
- Asian: 0.88%
- Black: 9.93%
- Hispanic: 2.43%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.19%
- Non-resident alien: 1.36%
- Two or more races: 4.38%
- Unknown: 3.41%
- White: 76.63%
At Wilmington College, 7.17% of undergraduate students are 25 years old, or older.
Wilmington College Frequently Asked Questions
How is school spirit at Wilmington College?
At Wilmington College, school spirit is very strong. The college organizes a range of events, including sports games, homecoming, dance and music performances, and other activities, to create and promote school spirit among students. Students at Wilmington College are known for their enthusiastic participation in sports games, with many games drawing big crowds of supporters. The college also offers an array of clubs and organizations that encourage students to get involved on campus and develop a sense of belonging to the college community. Overall, Wilmington College has a vibrant school spirit that fosters camaraderie and pride among students and alumni.
What are some popular extracurriculars at Wilmington College?
At Wilmington College, some popular extracurricular activities include: 1. Athletics: Wilmington College participates in NCAA Division III sports, including football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, cross country and track and field. 2. Student government: Wilmington College has an active student government association that advocates for student rights and organizes campus-wide events. 3. Performing and visual arts: Students can participate in theatre productions, the college choir, band, and various art clubs. 4. Service organizations: Wilmington College is committed to community service, so students can join organizations that allow them to give back, such as Habitat for Humanity, Alternative Spring Break, and the Peace Corps prep program. 5. Greek life: Wilmington College has a small Greek life community that consists of five national fraternities and sororities. 6. Academic organizations: Students can join organizations that cater to their specific majors or interests, such as the Criminal Justice Club, Environmental Club, and Neuroscience Club.
How are the food choices at Wilmington College?
Wilmington College (WC) offers a variety of food choices that cater to different dietary needs. The main dining hall, the T.O.P.S. cafeteria, offers a selection of healthy and tasty options, including vegetarian and vegan options, allergy-friendly foods, and gluten-free alternatives. The college also has several cafes and snack shops around campus that serve hot and cold beverages and light meals. Additionally, the college has a food pantry known as Quaker Cupboard that offers free food and grocery items to students and staff members. Overall, Wilmington College has a broad range of food choices that cater to the needs and preferences of every individual.
Is there Greek life at Wilmington College?
Yes, Wilmington College does have a Greek Life community on campus. There are currently four active chapters: Alpha Phi Kappa, Phi Alpha Psi, Sigma Gamma Mu, and Delta Theta Sigma. The Greek community at Wilmington College is focused on leadership, scholarship, service, and philanthropy. Membership in a Greek organization at Wilmington College can offer students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, build lasting friendships, and contribute to the campus and local communities through a variety of service and philanthropic projects.
What is Wilmington College known for?
Wilmington College is a private liberal arts college located in Wilmington, Ohio. The college is known for its strong programs in Agriculture, Education, and Athletic training. The college also offers excellent programs in Biological Sciences, Communications, and Business. Wilmington College is also known for its commitment to social justice and global responsibility, offering many opportunities for students to engage in service projects and study abroad programs. Additionally, the college has a strong NCAA Division III athletics program, with sports including basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and cross country.
What are the most popular school clubs at Wilmington College?
Wilmington College has a wide range of student clubs and organizations that cater to different interests and hobbies. Some of the most popular school clubs at Wilmington College include: 1. Student Government Association 2. The Witness (Student Newspaper) 3. Campus Programming Board 4. Wild Roots (Environmental Club) 5. HOLA (Hispanic Organization for Latino Awareness) 6. Psyched (Psychology Club) 7. Tau Pi Phi (Business and Economics Honor Society) 8. Fellowship of Christian Athletes These are just a few examples of the many clubs and organizations available to Wilmington College students. Students are also encouraged to start their own clubs and organizations to cater to their unique interests.
Is the campus at Wilmington College safe?
Wilmington College strives to maintain a safe and secure campus environment for its students, faculty, and staff. Campus security measures currently include 24-hour security patrols, access control, and emergency response systems. The college also has a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan in place to handle any threats or incidents that may occur on campus. Additionally, Wilmington College regularly conducts safety drills and training sessions for its community members to ensure preparedness and awareness. Overall, Wilmington College is considered a safe campus environment.