

  • ISA Educational Foundation Scholarships

    Amount: $5,000. About: International Society of Automation (ISA) scholarships are offered to students pursuing careers in the fields of automation and control. Applicants must be enrolled in a two-, three-, or four-year undergraduate or graduate program in instrumentation, systems, or automation at an educational institution in their home countries. Eligible Grade Levels: College Sophomore, College…


  • James T. and Rose M. Perryman Family Foundation Trade School Scholarship

    Amount: $2,000-$5,000. About: Each year, the Perryman Family Foundation awards scholarships to hardworking and community-minded students pursuing programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at U.S. trade schools. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, meet a minimum 2.5 GPA requirement, plan to be registered as full-time students, and live within 150 miles of Houston, Pennsylvania. Eligible…
