

  • Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship

    Amount: 4-Year Institutions: $1,000 for freshmen, $4,000 or sophomores & juniors, $5,000 for seniors. 2-Year Institutions: $1,000 for freshmen, $3,000 for sophomores. About: The Arkansas Scholarship Lottery funds the Arkansas Academic Challenge Program, which provides scholarships to Arkansas residents pursuing higher education. The Academic Challenge Scholarship is open to high school seniors and students enrolled…


  • CFDS X Crystal Bridges Heartland Scholar Awards

    Amount: $25,000. About: ​​Offered by the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CDFA) and the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, the CFDS X Crystal Bridges Heartland Scholar Awards will award five scholarships worth $25,000 each to “student design talent born in Heartland states and/or consider the Heartland their home base – having resided there…
