Alexander Hamilton Scholars Program

Amount: $1,000. About: The Alexander Hamilton Scholars Program is a five-year mentorship program to help underserved high school juniors succeed in college and in their careers. Winners are provided with guidance and support as they move through high school and college and start their careers. Winners are also provided with two $500 cash awards. Applicants must be juniors in high school, show financial need, live in the United States, be college-bound to a U.S. institution, be high-achieving and service-focused, show grit and perseverance, commit to participating in a rigorous five-year program curriculum, and be able to attend New York Leader Week.
Eligible Grade Levels: High School Junior
Eligible Majors: All majors
Residency Requirement: No residency requirement
Minimum GPA: No GPA requirement
Deadline: Application is currently closed. Please note that scholarship deadlines often change, so make sure to check the scholarship sponsor’s website for up-to-date deadlines.

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