Category: Climate

  • Scientists Harness AI to Cut Methane Emissions in Animal Agriculture

    In a new study, published in the journal Animal Frontiers, researchers from the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Iowa State University (ISU) have demonstrated the potential of generative artificial intelligence to speed up the identification of solutions to reduce enteric methane emissions from cattle — a significant contributor to both agricultural and overall U.S.…

  • Breakthrough Method Decodes Climate Change: Interdisciplinary Team Unveils Hidden Dynamics

    In an extraordinary interdisciplinary collaboration, researchers from climate science, mathematics and meteorology have united to create a groundbreaking method that uncovers hidden dynamics in climate change. Their innovative approach, Wasserstein Stability Analysis (WSA), offers new perspectives on extreme weather events and subtle shifts in probability distributions. Zhiang Xie from the Department of Earth and Space…

  • 2024 Climate Extremes Disrupt the Global Water Supply

    The scorching temperatures of 2024 have disrupted the global water cycle to unprecedented levels, causing devastating floods and debilitating droughts worldwide, according to a new report by The Australian National University (ANU). The 2024 Global Water Monitor Report, spearheaded by Albert van Dijk, a professor at ANU’s Fenner School of Environment & Society, highlights the…

  • How Agricultural Climate Policies Impact Food Prices in Poor and Wealthy Nations

    In a new study published in Nature Food, researchers have shed light on the profound disparities in how agricultural climate policies impact food prices across rich and poor nations. The study reveals that farmers in high-income countries receive a much smaller share of food spending compared to their counterparts in Sub-Saharan Africa. “In high-income countries…

  • Ancient Ice Cores Reveal Link Between Abrupt Climate Change and Increased Wildfires

    Increased wildfire activity might be intertwined with past episodes of abrupt climate change, suggests a groundbreaking new study examining ancient methane trapped in Antarctic ice. The research, published in the journal Nature, reveals that periods of sudden climate shifts during the last Ice Age also experienced significant upticks in wildfires. This discovery underlines the importance…

  • PKU Scientists Uncover Divergent Seasonal Responses of Plants and Animals to Climate Change

    A team of researchers led by Piao Shilong, a professor at Peking University’s Institute of Carbon Neutrality, and Zhang Yao, an assistant professor at Peking University’s Institute of Carbon Neutrality, has uncovered significant differences in how plants and animals are adjusting their life-cycle events in response to climate change. The global-scale research, published in the…

  • UC Davis Study Shows Role of Shrubs in Forest Recovery After Wildfires

    A new study from the University of California, Davis, has unveiled critical insights into the role shrubs play in forest recovery post-wildfire. The research, published in the Forest Ecology and Management journal, discusses the importance of strategic tree planting to aid reforestation, particularly in areas heavily impacted by high-severity wildfires. “Generally, where there are more…

  • Antarctic Climate Record Reveals Unprecedented Ice Sheet Instability

    Researchers from the University of Leicester and the University of Southampton have uncovered periods of sudden melting in the Antarctic ice sheet from over 20 million years ago . The study, published in Nature Communications, suggests the Antarctic ice sheet is more unstable than previously believed, triggered by Earth’s changing orbit around the Sun. The…

  • New Breakthrough in Climate Modeling Could Provide Early Warnings for Climate Disasters

    In a substantial leap for climate change science, mathematicians from the University of Leicester and UCLA have unveiled a novel approach to linking observed climate changes directly to human activities and natural causes. This innovative method, rooted in the principles of statistical mechanics, promises to enhance the detection of early warning signals for climate disasters. …

  • Tourism Leads Global Carbon Emission Growth, Study Finds

    A recent study led by the University of Queensland (UQ) divulges a concerning trend: the carbon emissions from tourism are increasing at more than double the rate of the global economy. This rapid growth, driven primarily by heightened travel demand, has propelled tourism-related emissions to account for 9% of the world’s total emissions. “Without urgent…