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  • Machine Learning With Big Data

    Machine Learning With Big Data

    Description Want to make sense of the volumes of data you have collected? Need to incorporate data-driven decisions into your process? This course provides an overview of machine learning techniques to explore, analyze, and leverage data. You will be introduced to tools and algorithms you can use to create machine learning models that learn from…

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  • Deploying Machine Learning Models

    Deploying Machine Learning Models

    Description In this course we will learn about Recommender Systems (which we will study for the Capstone project), and also look at deployment issues for data products. By the end of this course, you should be able to implement a working recommender system (e.g. to predict ratings, or generate lists of related products), and you…

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  • Machine Learning

    Machine Learning

    Description Machine Learning is the basis for the most exciting careers in data analysis today. You’ll learn the models and methods and apply them to real world situations ranging from identifying trending news topics, to building recommendation engines, ranking sports teams and plotting the path of movie zombies. Major perspectives covered include: probabilistic versus non-probabilistic…

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  • Machine Learning Using SAS Viya

    Machine Learning Using SAS Viya

    Description This course covers the theoretical foundation for different techniques associated with supervised machine learning models. In addition, a business case study is defined to guide participants through all steps of the analytical life cycle, from problem understanding to model deployment, through data preparation, feature selection, model training and validation, and model assessment. A series…

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  • Business Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

    Business Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

    Description The future of healthcare is becoming dependent on our ability to integrate Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence into our organizations. But it is not enough to recognize the opportunities of AI; we as leaders in the healthcare industry have to first determine the best use for these applications ensuring that we focus our investment…

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  • Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance

    Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance

    Description The course aims at helping students to be able to solve practical ML-amenable problems that they may encounter in real life that include: (1) understanding where the problem one faces lands on a general landscape of available ML methods, (2) understanding which particular ML approach(es) would be most appropriate for resolving the problem, and…

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  • Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance

    Guided Tour of Machine Learning in Finance

    Description This course aims at providing an introductory and broad overview of the field of ML with the focus on applications on Finance. Supervised Machine Learning methods are used in the capstone project to predict bank closures. Simultaneously, while this course can be taken as a separate course, it serves as a preview of topics…

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  • Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learning

    Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learning

    Description The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest data generation machine for the time being. It doesn’t produce the big data, the data is gigantic. Just one of the four experiments generates thousands gigabytes per second. The intensity of data flow is only going to be increased over the time. So the data processing…

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  • First Steps in Linear Algebra for Machine Learning

    First Steps in Linear Algebra for Machine Learning

    Description The main goal of the course is to explain the main concepts of linear algebra that are used in data analysis and machine learning. Another goal is to improve the student’s practical skills of using linear algebra methods in machine learning and data analysis. You will learn the fundamentals of working with data in…

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  • Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning

    Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning

    Description People apply Bayesian methods in many areas: from game development to drug discovery. They give superpowers to many machine learning algorithms: handling missing data, extracting much more information from small datasets. Bayesian methods also allow us to estimate uncertainty in predictions, which is a desirable feature for fields like medicine. When applied to deep…

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