Is Rolling Admissions the Right Choice for You?

What is Rolling Admissions?

Rolling admissions, also known as continuous admissions, is a type of admissions process where a school accepts applications in a continuous, ongoing manner. Unlike traditional admissions with specific deadlines, rolling admissions work on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that applications are evaluated as they are received, and decisions are made throughout the application period until all spots are filled.

While some schools have a combination of rolling and regular admissions, others may have only rolling admissions. Additionally, some schools may have a priority deadline for rolling admissions, but continue to accept applications after that date. It’s essential to research the admissions process of each school you’re interested in to understand its specific requirements.

Pros and Cons of Rolling Admissions

As with any decision, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of rolling admissions.


  • Increased Chances of Acceptance: With rolling admissions, applying early can increase your chances of acceptance. As schools evaluate applications as they receive them, there are more spots available earlier in the application period.
  • Flexibility in Applying: Unlike traditional admissions, rolling admissions offer a more extended application period. This can be beneficial for students who may need more time to gather materials or decide on a school.
  • Faster Decision-Making: With rolling admissions, you’ll receive a decision faster since applications are evaluated and decisions made throughout the application period.


  • Less Time to Prepare: As stated earlier, applying earlier can increase your chances of getting accepted. However, this may give applicants less time to prepare their application materials, such as essays or letters of recommendation.
  • Less Time to Compare Schools: With rolling admissions, you’ll need to make a decision quickly, which may limit the time you have to compare schools and their programs.
  • More Competitive: While applying early may increase your chances of acceptance, it also means competing with more applicants who are applying early for the same limited spots.

Is Rolling Admissions Right for You?

Now that you know more about rolling admissions and its pros and cons, how do you determine if it’s the right choice for you? Here are a few things to consider:

  • Your Priorities: What are you looking for in a college or university? If you’re looking for a school with a highly competitive program or specific admission requirements, rolling admissions may not be the best fit.
  • Your Preparedness: Are you ready to submit your application early and have all your materials in order? If so, then you may benefit from the faster decision-making process of rolling admissions.
  • Your Timeline: Do you need more time to decide on a school or gather materials for your application? In this case, rolling admissions may not be the best fit as you’ll need to make a quick decision once you receive an acceptance.

Ultimately, the decision to apply for rolling admissions will depend on your specific circumstances and priorities. Be sure to research and understand the admissions process of each school you’re interested in to make an informed choice.

How TUN AI Can Help

If you’re still unsure about whether rolling admissions is the right choice for you, TUN AI can help! TUN AI is an ethical and free online tool that uses artificial intelligence to match you with schools that align with your preferences and priorities.

Simply input your information, and TUN AI will provide you with personalized recommendations, including schools that offer rolling admissions. This can be a helpful tool in your college search process and give you further insight into whether rolling admissions is the right fit for you.

In Conclusion

Choosing the right college or university is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. While rolling admissions may offer some advantages, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and consider your priorities before deciding to apply through this admissions process. Use TUN AI for further assistance in finding schools that align with your goals and needs. With the right approach and research, you’ll find the best fit for your higher education journey.

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