How to Be Your Best Self



Self-confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone, I can tell you that first hand. Thinking highly of yourself is the most important quality to have in life because without it you will not be able to put your best foot forward. With a negative outlook on yourself, how can you expect to think positively about anything else? Either you are born with this mentality or you need to learn how to acquire it, which will not happen overnight. It takes time to erase this negativity from our minds that has been growing in there for years without correction. Here are 7 ways to become your best self.

1. Do Not Compare Yourself to Others. 

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Comparing yourself to others, whether it is a fellow classmate or someone you see on TV, is something that can be imbedded into our brains at a very young age without realizing it. Parents are the ones to blame for this a lot of the time. Every child is different, what one lacks another makes up for in another area and vise versa. This puts unneeded pressure on our generation so please, parents, praise your children for what they do well and celebrate their great attributes. Or encourage them to pursue something that they might enjoy better; do not live vicariously through them, as they are not YOU. Even more importantly, they are not the you that you aspired to be…

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2. Surround Yourself With Positive People. 

This is the key to success (thank you, DJ Khaled). You need to keep a close circle of friends who try to lift you up, not tear you down. The moment that you feel unwanted or unloved, is the moment you need to reevaluate this “friendship”. Negative people know how to manipulate and just keep deteriorating your confidence. Who you surround yourself with shows who you are as a person and unfortunately, your close circle of friends plays a role in defining your reputation, so choose your friends wisely.

3. Only Live Up to Your Own Expectations. 

Only you and no one else knows how much and exactly what you can handle. I know there is a lot of pressure to please your parents or friends, but in reality the only person you need to please is yourself. Making sure you fill your parents’ shoes or trying to impress your friends probably add the most pressure than anything else. Trust me, as long as you are trying your best and staying out of trouble, your parents will be extremely proud of you.

4. No Gossiping.

How are you going to build yourself up by tearing others down? Gossiping is a way to divert the insecurities that lie within. Feeling the need to talk badly about someone else is just trying to fill an empty void. But for what reason? If you are not happy with the negativity in your own life, fix it! You have no right to point out others’ “flaws” if you can’t even fix your own.

5. Stay Away From Social Media.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE social media, but it is important to take a break from it. Recently I went on vacation to a place where I could only access the internet a handful of times each day if I was lucky. This was the best experience for me because I was so in the moment, which is something we often forget to do living in these constantly “on” lives. Also remember that what you see on social media is such a facade. I can’t stress that enough. People assume they are missing out, when in reality social media makes it out to be something more than it really is.

6. Do What Makes You Happy

Everyone has individual hobbies that they enjoy. That hobby might not be so mainstream so people are embarrassed to admit to them. But you know what I’ve learned? Who cares?! Just do you, my friends! This is also applicable to moments when people are doubting your ideas. Don’t let anyone sway your decision in thinking your thoughts are bad. If you believe that a plan will work, then go for it! The worst that can happen is that you will fail, but you can pick yourself up and try again!

SEE ALSO: 101 Mindsets to Live by for a Happier Life

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